Investigate, study and apply the benefits of some ENDEMIC insects in Mexico as a sustainable option for obtaining nutrients, through alliances with different experts and specialists in this area.Through applied technology to create controlled environments where the mass reproduction of insects is possible with high levels of nutrients that can be used in the feeding of domestic animals (dogs, cats), allowing to sow the precedent for a more sustainable food production for this sector.It is important to mention that for the study, research and application of knowledge it is necessary to have alliances with the inhabitants of the areas where these insects reproduce naturally, at first as an alliance in knowledge and later as a workforce. that gives the area better economic stability and self-sufficiency
11. Which revolution does your start-up contribute to?
Food - agriculture - protein
18. In which region does your start-up mainly operate?
19. In which country is your start-up head office located?
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Hello, welcome to 4Revs Open Innovation Challenge 2021! Thanks for participating and helping humanity solve one of the four survival challenges in one generation. Share your proposal with everybody and get as many votes as you can. Remember you have until September 8 to edit your information.
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4Revs Innovation Challenge 2021

Helping humanity solve its main survival challenges in one generation (2020-2050)

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